Following my plan to never sugar coat things, I present to you the ‘Damage Report‘. And it’s name is exactly what it is: Every Monday I’ll get on the scale and do a review to see how much Damage was done — good or bad. Now I understand that weight isn’t everything so pretty soon I’ll be using tape for the waist and arms etc or perhaps just saying how differently my clothes fit.
So why would I do this? It’s pretty simple. For many people the week is very structured with school, work, kids, etc. Once the weekend rolls around that structure seems to go out the window. For people just starting their weight loss journey this can be the most vulnerable time of the week. Fridays are (hopefully) days of excitement where we find out our fitness goals are continuing to make progress and roll into the weekend proud and motivated. However, once the weekend comes there are many distractions and a whole lot of unhealthy habits that can crop up. We’re free to indulge all we want, but when Monday comes around we have to face the truth…AND more importantly I have to face you. This forces me to be conscious of my eating habits during the weekend to avoid embarrassing myself on the scale come Monday.
Accountability and Self-Control. Key tenets of Project: FatAss and core values that will lead to you successfully losing weight and keeping it off.
You ready?
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